Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bulbs and birds

Mike and I got all of my spring bulbs planted today! We planted camassia quamash, camassia cusickii, allium  neapolitanum, allium caeruleum (azureum) Nectaroscordum siculum and a lovely little bulb I originally found at Brent & Becky's called dichelostemma. I hope the critters will leave me a few.

We moved a bird feeder from a pole at the back of the house to sit on a wrought iron stand Tim built and gave me for Christmas last year. It fits the top perfectly. I love this feeder. It has a roof cover and has grates in the bottom to hopefully deter the pesky squirrels. They try to consume every scrap of seed and suet I put out for the birds. I was delighted today when the chickadees found the feeder. Next visitor was a nuthatch, followed by tufted titmouse and then a wren. Just a few minutes ago, the cardinal came to check it out! This makes me so happy! I can sit on the couch and watch the birds feeding. Another plus is being able to fill the feeder without leaving the front porch.

I also had to share a picture of the beautiful fairy garden Angie made for me. It has grown so full and lush over the summer.


  1. Great photos...looked like the bird was posing for you.

  2. Wow! Those plants really grew and filled that in. That's cool about the birds right at the window.
